Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. The four basic colors that make everything colorful. And that's what exactly represents the CMYK Press. CMYK Press came into existence in the year 2007. Understanding the need of the region and with a vision to be the leader, CMYK Press equipped itself with 6 color offset machinery (the normal being 4 color) which has been directly imported from Canada. CMYK Press is ISO 9001/200 Agmark Approved printing press Apart from the technological advantage, it is well known across the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra for its fine quality printing and its passion towards work. With absolute commitment to quality, meticulous attention to details and unparalleled level of service; CMYK Press has earned a formidable position in the Design, Prepress and Printing industry.
Appreciating Good work unlocks excellence !We have started a new initiative- 'Star of the month' for rewarding our promising team members. This month's event was marked by the presence of Shri Pramod Parulekar, Vice-President of Legrand, Jalgaon. He distributed the medals and motivated us for further excellence along with our Shri Anand Malhara.
Blood donation at Malhar Communications on Birthday occasion of our CEO Mr. Anand Malhara.
Glimpses of Independence Day celebration at the Malhar head office in presence of Shri Shekhar Sonalkar sir as the guest of honour, CEO Shri Anand Malhara & all the staff members.
Celebrating & enjoying yoga on yoga day with yoga guru shri.Sunil Gurav & all staff of CMYK Press.
There are some of our partners and customers, who are very satisfied with our work. Do you want to be next one?
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